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Scorpio: The Scorpion, The Eagle & The Phoenix

|”I DESIRE!” | OCTOBER 23 – NOVEMBER 22 | Color = Navy Blue | Tone G Major |

This symbol is supposed to represent the stinger of the scorpion. There are some accounts that say that the symbol represents the outside reproductive organs of men. Scorpio rules the sexual organs and is known for its mysterious, sensual, and seductive traits. Scorpio has three personas: The Scorpion, The Eagle and The Phoenix.



Scorpio’s ruling planet is Pluto in modern astrology but traditionally it is associated with MARS!. So while Pluto will always be the main association, many astrologers work with Mars as a Co-Ruler with Pluto. Aries Co-Rules Mars with Scorpio and they share Tuesday as their day of the week. 


There is more than one account of the myth of Scorpius (Scorpio in astrology). It involves Orion, the hunter and Artemis the goddess of the hunt, the sun god Apollo’s twin sister. The most common account is that Orion boasted of his hunting skills and killed many forest animals. Artemis fought Orion in a battle so big it caught Zeus’ attention. Eventually, Artemis had the Scorpion extinguish Orion and Zeus subsequently placed him among the stars. Artemis asked that the scorpion be placed there as well as a warning to humanity not to let its ego get out of control. Orion is also linked to the Khemetic or Egyptian god Ausar (Osiris)



  • Jealous

  • Compulsive

  • Secretive

  • Suspicious

  • Resentful

  • Obsessive

  • Obstinate

  • Controlling


  • Determined

  • Intuitive

  • Powerful

  • Exciting

  • Forceful

  • Emotional

  • Passionate

  • Magnetic

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Scorpio is the 8th Zodiac sign in the philosophy of astrology. The sign of Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars, but in modern astrology, most people associate Scorpio with Pluto along with Mars.


The day and night model of the zodiac is based on the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Different Zodiac Signs are visible at night or day depending on where you live on earth.

The three modes of the elements:

  • Cardinal (Initiation)

  • Fixed (Stability)

  • Mutable (Dynamic)

Element Water
Water is emotional and intuitive and adaptable. This element is associated with the ICOSAHEDRON among the Platonic Solids!

Scorpio Decan I 0º-10º

Oct 23 to Nov 2

Scorpio decan 1 is ruled by Mars in both systems (Scorpio triplicity). The Sun drives through the constellations of the Herdsman, the Ship, the Virgin, the Cross and the Crown from October 23 – November 2. Scorpio is probably the sign that is most type-cast as the baddie, so it’s not surprising that the decan ruled by the planet of war does indeed contain a few ‘malefics’. This decan is a sharp weapon, but it doesn’t mean that it will always harm. The only sharp instrument here is actually the spear shaft as none of sidereal Scorpio actually falls here.This is a bit of a paradox since this is the most Scorpio section of Scorpio using the triplicity system. The dark edge to this decan really comes from carrying the weight of the crucifix. The Cross represents one having to bear the responsibility of psychic or prophetic ability. The constellation of Crux is listed as having an ability for divination and two of Scorpio decan 1’s major stars reside in this cross. Being able to tap into other dimensions gives one power that can be used for good or ill. With Scorpio decan 1, it’s either black magic or white magic. They don’t do grey..The typical Scorpio animal magnetism comes from its ruler, sexy Mars and Bootes the herdsman being a swarthy fellow, working close to the earth and driving those beasts forward. These folk are certainly very driven, but they glide to the top quite silently. Nobody notices them until suddenly, bam, they are there, right at the top. This gives them an advantage over their rivals because they are often underestimated at first.


Scorpio decan 1 are the perfect invisible man, they make a great classic Scorpio spy because of their amazing ability to construct a psychic cloaking device. So even though some of them really do have ‘fatal’ written all over them, they seem to be able to convince otherwise. Spin-doctors and propagandists do well here too.Scorpio decan 1 are made of true grit, they often risk life and limb for a cause they believe in. They also make excellent interrogators, relentlessly probing until they get an answer. If they do happen to fall on the wrong side, they can withstand a great deal of torture before they open their mouths. These folk really can take being stretched to the limit. Somehow their deep faith in whatever they believe in gets them through the most horrendous suffering….  This decan is associated with the tarot card the five of cups: Its divinatory meaning “brings sorrow, loss, grief and suffering. Its very presence indicates that you have suffered a crushing blow on an emotional level… We must all learn to accept loss as part of life yet we flail and rail against it.  We must trust that once we are prepared to let go, the Universe will replace our loss with something of worth and real value.”  ~


(Javon had not finished this part with the decans so credit is given to

Scorpio Decan II 10º-20º

Nov 2 to 11 (10º-20º)

Scorpio decan 2 is ruled by the Sun and Jupiter (Pisces triplicity). The Sun traverses the constellations of the Southern Cross, the Scales, the Crown and the Serpent from November 2 to 11. Here resides the Zodiac’s James Bonds. This is the zone of spies, femme fatales, spellbinders, game players and depth psychologists and occultists. Yes I know it sounds abit too much like a stereotypical sun-sign Scorpio interpretation, but this as close as it gets. Scorpio decan 2 conforms most off all to the typical mysterious and secretive Scorpio, but it also has a surprisingly playful side too. You will see that the fixed stars that fall heretotally support this. But typically for our Scorpio, there is even more intrigue below the surface. If Scorpio decan 2 was a game it would be chess, strategic and thoughtful or maybe a murder-mystery like Cluedo.Having the scales of Libra here gives us more juice to work with. These scales can be measurers used for commerce or the Egyptian balances for weighing the souls of the dead. Equilibrium here is about finding that mid-range of emotions where one is calm and cool. Here we find the famous Scorpio ‘Poker face.’ ( Lady Gaga’s moon here.) Inside, the Scorpio decan 2 may be experiencing a tumultuous emotional storm, but on the outside, nothing, not a flicker, awesome…


Scorpio decan 2 have the knack of bring omni-present, it feels like they are constantly watching and judging you, like god. Deep in the recesses of their brain they are making tallies, keeping a scorecard of all the good and bad treatment towards them. In arguments they can pull out dates and times and even what you were wearing, on the day they were ‘wronged’. Scorpio decan 2’s make excellent judges and critics because of their innate ability to weigh up all the odds. They are also the world’s best hagglers. They know your real best price and can beat you down to it by very skilled non-verbal communication.The Tarot card associated with this decan is surprisingly quite a light-hearted and affectionate one, the six of cups. The imagery in the Rider-Waite card is that of children, a boy offering a gift to a girl. It is an image of childhood memories. This optimistic card is supported by the Sun and Jupiter rulership of this decan. “After times of loss, sadness or despair we often take comfort and solace from familiar places and those we have known the longest, such as old friends and family.  We crave what is secure and steady as we have coped with enough change for the moment.”


(Javon had not finished this part with the decans so credit is given to

Scorpio Decan III 20º-30º

Nov 12 to 22

Scorpio Decan 3 is ruled by Venus and the Moon (Cancer triplicity). The Sun creeps through the constellations of the Fly, Serpent, Wolf, Chameleon, and Centaur from November 12 to 22. This decan contains all the items you would find in the musty forbidden forest. Every scary story has one. Here we have howling wolves, magic mushrooms, mythical centaurs, psychedelic chameleons and slithering serpents… What a trip!

Of course, tropical Scorpio is famous for magic and mystery, but Scorpio decan 3 does not deliberately set out to be sneaky or secretive despite the accusations. They are just naturally creatures of the night and are accustomed to creeping about so as not to disturb anyone.

These considerate fellows just like to blend in and make as little fuss as possible. Scorpio decan 3 is very close to nature and like the natural world, it does not have much of an ego. Blending in and harmonizing is actually the best way to survive.Do we see a row of sunflowers trying to outdo each other by growing the biggest heads, certainly not. In fact, drawing attention to yourself may actually get you eaten. This is how Scorpio decan 3 observes the human jungle, watching and living by instinct. They look and learn rather than read books.


Scorpio decan 3 are pack animals, so everything they do is motivated to protect the future of their breed. They make devoted parents and proud tribe leaders. Nature is not all pretty flowers and can be savage. A herd may have to sacrifice one of its weakest in order to appease a predator. While the lion is busy chomping away at a gazelle, the rest of them can drink at the waterhole peacefully. Sometimes, of course, there will be some literal human sacrifice from some individuals who see themselves as doing something good for the tribe as a whole, for example, Hermann Goering (Ascendant 27º Scorpio).


But it is chilling that Madeleine’s McCann’s abduction and toddler James Bulger (kidnapped by two young boys and murdered) is found here. There is also notorious Myra Hindley (Moon 23º Scorpio) and a few more other killers.


The tarot card associated with Scorpio decan 3 is the seven of cups. Both Venus and the Moon as rulers are reflective and passive planets. This resonates well with the cards divinatory meanings which are; “As he stands mesmerized in front of the Seven Cups, he realizes he has much to contemplate and reflect on…. You could be attending counseling or psychotherapy sessions to help expose hidden motives and overcome childhood conditioning to expose your true personality.  Then again, you may be using meditation or reading Self-Help books in an attempt to find your True Self.” ~


(Javon had not finished this part with the decans so credit is given to

In Scorpio Astrology, the 8th house is the polar opposite of the 2nd house. Whereas the 2nd rules your own individual possessions, the 8th house rules what a relationship owns (joint finances). The 8th House is one of the most misunderstood Houses. This is probably because the things represented by the 8th House seem to have nothing in common with each other, or they seem to be negative. This House governs death, regeneration, taxes, inheritances, wills & legacies, sex (the actual act of sex), latent occult ability, joint resources, your partner’s money and possessions, spouse’s money, bankruptcy, losses, personal sacrifices, alimony, clairvoyance.

Simply put, the 8th house is the polar opposite of the 2nd house. Whereas the 2nd rules your own individual possessions, the 8th house rules what a relationship owns (joint finances).
The 8th House is one of the most misunderstood Houses. This is probably because the things represented by the 8th House seem to have nothing in common with each other, or they seem to be negative. This House governs death, regeneration, taxes, inheritances, wills & legacies, sex (the actual act of sex), latent occult ability, joint resources, your partner’s money and possessions, spouse’s money, bankruptcy, losses, personal sacrifices, alimony, clairvoyance.


Scorpio Astrology Ruling Planet(s): Pluto and Mars (secondary)The sign of Scorpio, in Scorpio ASTROLOGY, is traditionally ruled by Mars, but in modern astrology, most people associate Scorpio with Pluto along with Mars. Furthermore, Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac and therefore “rules” plants that show up in this part of your natal chart with Scorpio traits, Pluto traits and Martian traits.


In Scorpio Astrology, known as Scorpius in the heavens is only seven degrees long in Sidereal Astrology. Scorpius is one of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, known for its tenacity, sexual prowess, powerful intuition and heroic deeds.


Scorpio Astrology in Tradition

In Scorpio Astrology, it helps to know about Scorpio’s ruling planets Mars and Pluto.In 1930 Pluto was discovered extremely far from the sun where it is both cold and dark, this is part of the reason the daughter of the person that discovered it suggested Pluto. Physically, Scorpio is related to or “rules” the sexual organs and excretion. Scorpio is considered a night/Yin sign by nature along with all of the other water and earth signs. In Scorpio Astrology, The Yin energy can give the illusion that Scorpio is  passive in the way it expresses its energy. But don’t be fooled, Scorpio likes control and is not generally passive to anyone who is paying close attention. As a Water sign (Icosahedron), Scorpio Astrology is connected with the world of emotions, particularly the deep primeval emotions concerned with sexuality and survival. As a Fixed sign, its energy manifests in a stable manner, giving great determination and endurance. Planets in Scorpio or the 8th house, seek to establish emotional security in a threatening world. This is why there is usually an association with jealousy and passion.


Anxiety in the face of the unknown and consequently a desire to be able to control what is going on leads to a certain obsessive quality in planets placed in this sign.


Scorpio Astrology Shadow?

In Scorpio Astrology there is a secretiveness and compulsiveness which is hidden under a facade of strong self-control. Instinctual knowledge, occult talents and psychological ability manifest themselves in Scorpio, because the character dwells on the inner emotional demons most people choose to ignore.

© 2025 by Meg

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